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Hyde Zhu


I am an Indie musician, guitarist, Chinese singer-songwriter and a professional guitar teacher. I am the sole writer of my representing music singles, “I Still Have a Dream”, “Future Love”, “Feelings”, “Painful but Happy”, “A Pink Summer” and more. I set up my first Guitar Music Center in Alhambra of Southern California in 2015, we offer our performers the opportunity to produce high quality audio recordings. Recording options are available to anyone renting our Recording room. Besides our recording room, we also provide VIP educational room, duet classroom with various professional musical instruments. I only provide one on one teaching to our enrolled students and I only accept 15 students during each term to keep up with the high standard of our education. Every student will have their own designated and unique course being specifically outlined by me according to their learning curve. I am very dedicated to my educational work to every single one of my student, I've contributed my life time to music work and I am compassionate in helping my students who share the same dream to accomplish theirs.

My Music

My Video

​远方的记忆-Hyde Zhu

​Aloha Joey-Hyde Zhu

​我的节奏-Hyde Zhu

​你快乐吗-Hyde Zhu

​Twilight Covered-Hyde Zhu

​昭和罗曼史 Covered-Hyde Zhu

​ Cherry Blossom Time Covered-Hyde Zhu

​ 远方的记忆(studio)-Hyde Zhu

​ 家路(Way Home)-Hyde Zhu

​ Amazing Grace-Hyde Zhu

​ 慢慢喜欢你-Hyde Zhu

​ 小宇-Hyde Zhu

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