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Inspire our Future Children

We encourage students to think on their own rather than just giving instructions and corrections from the teacher. Our way of teaching music can inspire our students to achieve excellently in both their music advancement and academic endeavors, at the same time allows every student to transfer the discipline needed to learn music into school work. 


We accommodate different learning styles of each and every student. We learn the strengths and weaknesses of each individual student and adapt to it without compromising excellence. 

Practice Makes Perfect

In order to make progress and feel the satisfaction of being a musician – students are encouraged to practice at home after each lesson. Make Practice Count. If student did not practice at home, they are encouraged to come to class and practice with the teacher.

Greetings from Founder


"Follow your dream and keep chasing after it. No one can cancel your dream except yourself." - Hyde Z.

1043 E Main St | Alhambra, CA | 91801 |

Tel: 626-662- 9622| 

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